Who’s on the Assembly of Delegates?

A total of 64 people were randomly selected during the lottery event as official “Delegates” with demographics that broadly represent the population of Montrose County from the 2020 Census.

To ensure that each Delegate can be as private or public as they choose, Unify Montrose isn’t releasing the names of all Delegates publicly and is sharing, instead, the demographic makeup of the randomly selected Assembly.

A note about this data: The randomly selected panel of 64 Delegates matches the demographics of Montrose County based on data from the 2020 Census within an 11% margin, and a majority of the demographic categories listed on the following page are below a 4% margin. 

Additionally measured, though not included as a representative category for the Assembly, 38% of the Delegates have children under 18 in their household. 

The Unify Montrose team employed the help of the Panelot software (which also supported the lottery event) on Thursday, August 5, 2023, too, to select a random, representative group of Alternates to serve in the event that a Delegate can no longer participate.

A full demographic report of the Assembly will be available once the Delegates have confirmed their participation and Alternates have been included, where needed.

Those not selected as a Delegate or an Alternate still have a critical role. During the Deliberation, Unify Montrose will be hosting regular get-togethers for community members who want to be a catalyst for deliberative problem-solving by The People. This group, dubbed the Unify Montrose Catalyst Club will hold its first meeting on Thursday, September 7, 2023, and participants will get an inside look at the Unify Montrose Deliberation and have opportunities to share their opinions and perspectives.


The Assembly’s process


An overview of the Lottery